Growing our team and growing our impact! -Miss vivian interview

Growing our team and growing our impact! Please join us in welcoming Miss Vivian to our Moretop family interview guest list. We're so thrilled to have her bringing her expertise and experience to our team. Below is how the interview went. Stay tuned!!!!
Below is an interview conducted today by one of our team member, every Monday we post each and everyone’s interview to hear everyone’s story from the horse’s mouth.
Interviewer: May you please tell me a brief self-introduction of who is Vivian? What does she do?
Vivian: ‘’My name is Vivian and I started working here at Moretop in 2012, when the company started. My job here at Moretop is to manage the product supply management department. The supply management department works hand-in-hand with the salespeople department. As soon as the customers have placed their orders, the salespeople forward them to us and we start preparing for the product supply.”
Interviewer: Do you have anything that you are proud of Moretop company ever since you started working here?
Vivian: ‘’Well, I am proud of everything that has been happening here at Moretop, I have been with this company for quite some time now because I was the first employee at Moretop. I am very proud of the growth and development this company has gone through. It started with only a few employees, but now we have many departments, and also the foreign team department. This is something that I am very proud of, the growth and developments.”
Interviewer: Any memorable happy times that you shared with your co-workers?
Vivian: ‘’A few years ago, we used to face a lot of challenges with our competitors, but now we have managed to create a good name for our company and our brand keeps on growing. We have gained trust from our clients and that’s something to be proud of. Furthermore, during holidays we go on company vacations where we have time to relax, play, and have fun with my co-workers who turned out to be family. This is every employee's dream to blow off some steam after all the hard work. So these are my memorable happy times that I share with my co-workers.”
Interviewer: What do you wish Moretop to be in the next 5 years to come?
Vivian: Uuuuuum! I had never thought of that, but as you know everyone wishes to see their company prosper, to become locally and globally recognizable. I wish for Moretop to grow big and have many branches all over the world, making this place the center of all our international branches.