Moretop Tools, Cutting & Drilling Specialist, partner with Amazon sellers, regional wholesalers, distributors and retailers.

Hangzhou Moretop Tools Co., Ltd
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Thank you for your attention and understanding


Thank you for your attention and understanding

Jun 24,2024
important notice
Important Notice!!!
We recently discovered that a store named MoreTopGood is selling blades on Amazon that closely resemble our products, but with a lot of complaints from the end users.
We want to clarify the following:
1. We are not affiliated with MoreTop Good. We do not engage in any B2C (Business-to-Consumer) sales particularly on Amazon.
2. Our focus is on B2B (Business-to-Business) and OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) partnerships. We are committed to providing only the highest quality products.
Thank you for your attention and understanding.
Hangzhou Moretop Tools Co., Ltd

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